Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Microsoft TS2 Event Survey

Dear Microsoft,

Hi, Is this for real?????

> Thank you for attending the Microsoft TS2 Event from August 1, 2007 - December 20, 2007.

I would think that if I were at an event that lasted that long I would remember it. Wait, let me ask my wife if she remembers me being gone that long. I'll get back to you.



From: []
Sent: Wed 2/20/2008 12:05 PM
To: Allen Miller
Subject: Reminder - Microsoft TS2 needs your feedback

Dear Allen Miller,

Thank you for attending the Microsoft TS2 Event from August 1, 2007 - December 20, 2007. You have been invited to complete the TS2 Event Satisfaction Survey. The goal of this survey is to measure the effectiveness of our events and help us gain deeper insight on how we can improve your relationship with the Microsoft Partner Program. By completing the survey and sharing your feedback, you will help us gain additional insight on your interaction with the Microsoft Partner Program tools and resources while helping us to improve your overall experience with TS2 Events.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Monster Jam

Monster Jam - Cincinnati, Ohio - US Bank Arena

Man, it just doesn't get much better than this. My wife, one daughter and a friend, and myself took in MONSTER JAM tonight. Where else other than this great country of ours could they make a 'sport' out of this stuff? Don't ask me how but I managed to score front row seats on the 50 yard line! You better believe it was loud. I brought my dinky little digital camera and felt like a kid - not only does it take still shots - but also video with SOUND. You can see some actual video by clicking here or here and the stills are at here.
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 14, 2008

2/14 Our Anniversary

Today is the anniversary of the day we eloped, plus it's Valentines Day. To celebrate, instead of dinner at Prima Vista where we usually go for this oberservation (and it really is the best view) we ate at Otto's Deli in Covington. It was FANTASTIC. If you go there, you must have the fried green tomatoes appetizer - they are the best. The rest of the meal was also terrific.